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포토뉴스 희망을 가지고 신께 기도해요

페이지 정보

작성자 Aditya
댓글 0건 조회 4,011회 작성일 2016-07-21 14:04


동부 자카르타에 살고 있는 16세 소젼 레자는 악성 켈로이드 질환을 앓고 있다. 넉넉치 않은 집안 형편에 그의 부모는 오늘도 치료비 마련을 위해 오동에 몰두한다. 계속되는 치료와 수술은 그의 가족을 힘겹게 하지만 희망을 잃지 않고 신에게 게도하겠다는 부모의 다짐에 힘을 내어본다. 
16 Years Old Boy, Struggling Against Malignant Keloid 
REZA JHIVAN DARMAWAN, a 16 years old boy with Malignant Keloids laying on the bed with his Mom, Siti Chodidjah in their rent house at East Jakarta, Wednesday, July 20, 2016. REZA was diagnozed by doctor with a Malignant Keloids since 2007, a few months after undergoing circumcission. He had undergone 7 times surgical removal of his keloids, but it is keeps growing throughout his body. Till his mother SITI CHODIDJAH, the only parent he had, out of money and can not bring REZA back to hospital. Now, REZA just only take care by his Mom and his young brother RAIHAN (9 years old) at their rent house. Now, SITI just hoping for a miracle that could help cure her son. (JakartaBizWeekly/Aditya)


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