IDX 2015년 영업일 공식 종료 > 포토뉴스

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포토뉴스 IDX 2015년 영업일 공식 종료

페이지 정보

작성자 Aditya
댓글 0건 조회 5,167회 작성일 2015-12-31 01:48


지난달 30일 인도네시아 증권거래소가 2015년 종무식을 기념했다. 이날 종무식에는 유숩 깔라 부통령(가운데)과  아구스 마르또와르조요 인도네시아 중앙은행(BI) 총재(오른쪽 두 번째), 물리아만 하닷 금융감독청(OJK) 청장(왼쪽 두 번째), 띠또 술리스띠오 인도네시아 증권거래소(PT Bursa Efek Indonesia) 대표이사(왼쪽) 등이 참석했다. 
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla (center), accompanied by the Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), Agus Martowardjoyo (second right), Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Muliaman D. Hadad (second left), Director of Stock Exchange Indonesia (BEI), Tito Sulistio (left) and Chief Executive of Supervisory Financial Industry Non Bank (IKNB) of OJK, Firdaus Djaelani (right), officially closed the stock exchanges trading at the end of the year in the Indonesia Stock Exchange building, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 30, 2015. Throughout 2015, the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) moves fluctuate. Recorded in the first half, on April 7, 2015, IHSG was breaking records in history that touched the figure of 5,523, although then slumped to the lowest level the range of 4,120 on September 28 or the second half of 2015, but in the end IHSG able to move into the green zone at the level of 4,593 in closing the end of the year, December 30, 2015. (JakartaBizWeekly/Aditya)


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