포토뉴스 집회중인 우버 기사들
페이지 정보
10월 1일자로 시행될 스마트폰 어플리케이션을 이용한 배차 서비스, 일명 '택시 온라인(Taksi Online)'에 대한 교통 장관령(Permenhub No.32/2016)을 두고 우버 및 택시 온라인 기사들이 시위를 벌였다. 그들은 이같은 처사가 우버 기사들의 업무 환경을 저해시키고 일자리를 잃게 할 것이라고 반대했다.
Hundreds of Online Taxi Drivers Held A Demonstration In Jakarta
Hundreds of applications-based taxi drivers demonstrated in the parking lot of the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta on Monday, August 22, 2016. They demanded the government to review the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation PM 32/2016 whose contents generalize between applications-based taxi with other public transport, including that the government banned individual ownership of each vehicle used for applications-based taxi, the vehicle must perform due diligence (KIR), and requires the driver to have a A-Publik driver's license (SIM A Umum), the same driver's license with other public transport drivers. In Indonesia, the presence of the online application-based public transport system still reaping the pros and cons, related to the regulations and rules of transportation law. (JakartaBizWeekly/Aditya)
- 이전글축하 퍼레이드 벌어지고 있는 자카르타 16.08.24
- 다음글독립기념일을 축하합니다 16.08.18
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